Business Immigration

Are you looking to establish, invest in or acquire a business in Canada?

Good Earth Immigration has helped numerous Businessmen and Entrepreneurs to settle in Canada along with their families via various programs Business Immigration for Canada. From choosing right program to ensuring that your visa documentation is submitted successfully, our professional team works closely to ensure that there are no gaps when it comes to represent your case effectively and efficiently for the potential success.
You can apply under any of the following programs:

Start-up Visa and Investor Program

Canada is ranked among top 10 easiest countries to start a business in. If you are interested in your future in Canada as a business investor, this may be the best time. Canada offers several Business Visa options such as – Start-up Visa Program and the Provincial specific Nominee Program.

Start-up Visa Program

This Business Immigration Program allows applicants with unique and innovative business ideas or technologies to immigrate to Canada by starting a business in any province in the country. Being more or less an Investor Visa, Applicant and the business idea have to meet a set of requirements including but not limited to get the approval by a designated Canadian Entity in order to be successful with the application. Business should be innovative, able to create jobs, and be able to compete internationally. Applicants under this program can also apply for a temporary work permit in Canada.

A successful business immigration application can help you move to Canada along with your family. Get started with Good Earth immigration, contact us for a free assessment.

Provincial Nominee Program Entrepreneur and Investor Visa Option

This program allows every province of Canada to invite business immigration applicants with right skills and business experience to come and obtain business visa by establishing a successful Canadian Investment under the provincial statues of Business PNP. Most provinces have at least one investor visa category for people who want to setup and expand their business in Canada.

Want to know more about each province’s requirements and which option suits you? Our expert team can help you.

Self-Employed Program

Under this program, an applicant must demonstrate that they have relevant artistic or athletic experience that allows them to be self-employed in the country of origin. A complete list of career types is listed under The National Occupation Classification of Canada.

This program does not have a net-worth requirement; however, applicants must have sufficient funds for immigration purposes that includes supporting any dependents that they are intending along with. Another perk of the Self Employment Program in Canada is that applicants only need two years of experience in the chosen field in order to practice in that area of culture or athletics.

Want to apply for Immigration to Canada under the self-employment program? Good Earth Immigration can help you. Contact us for a Free Assessment.

Canadian Business Visitor Visa

This visa category allows an individual to come to Canada temporarily with a purpose of engaging in business activities such as meeting Canadian clients or an intent to grow their business, invest or advance business relationships. This visa can also be applied for if a Canadian company has invited applicant to Canada for training in product use, sales, or other functions related to a business transaction.

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    Your contact information

    Your personal profile

    Your management experience

    Your Management Experience may have been gained in a private or public business, international
    agency, government or government department, professional practice, or farming.

    During any two of the last five years:

    Do you have management experience?*

    Have you owned a business?*

    For the business you most recently owned, please provide the following information.

    Do you have management experience?*

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    Please use this space to send any specific questions, comments or additional information that
    may be relevant to your inquiry.

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