Study Permit

Canada Study Pathway Form

Depending on your situation and your goals, this form can help Jet Immigration assess your options for:

  • Studying in Canada
  • Working in Canada
  • Changing your study permit
  • Restoring your study permit
  • Transitioning to permanent resident status

    Fields marked with an * are required

    Personal Details

    What is your current sitiuation*
      I want to study in CanadaI am currently studying in canada

    Are you interested in obtaining permanent residence in Canada in future*
    Mention your language test score (overall and individual bands), academic or general, test date

    Educational Profile

    Did you complete your high school (Grade 12 or equivalent)?*

    Total yrs. of education (incl. Primary, Secondary, Post Secondary) *

    Other Details

    Financial means ($CAD)


    What is your estimated budget for tuition per year?

    Do you have Relatives in Canada? If yes, please provide

    Type of relationship:

    Relative's province of residence:

    Relative's status:

    Have you previously been refused a visa to Canada?*
    If your answer to the above question is "Yes" provide details here

    Do you have a spouse or common-law partner?

    Do you have any children?

    Have You ever been convicted of any offence?*
    If you answer to the above question is "Yes" provide details here

    Have you recently been accepted by an approved school in Canada?
    If you answer to the above question is "Yes" provide details here

    Additional Comments:

    Upload copy of documents

    (Passport front and back pages, Certificate and Transcript, Language Proficiency Test Score, Conditional Letter, Study Permit if available)

    Allowed file Formats: DOC, PDF, PPSX, JPG, PNG, GIF

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